About the Reviewers
Michael and Susan Blumenfield write these reviews together. They love films and enjoy discussing them and sharing opinions with others. The Blumenfields usually preview new films at special showings in Los Angeles or by viewing movies on Netflix and in local theaters.
Michael Blumenfield, M.D. is a psychiatrist with a private practice in Los Angeles (Woodland Hills). He was a tenured Professor of Psychiatry at NY Medical College before moving to Los Angeles. Dr. Blumenfield is a Past President of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry and is a Past Speaker of the Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association. He also serves on the Executive Board of Tierra del Sol in Sunland, California.
Dr. Susan Blumenfield has a doctorate in social work and for many years was Director of Social Work Services at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City and Associate Professor of Community Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She is a past Chair of the Board of MEND in Pacoima, California.
They welcome your comments about their reviews and the movies which they review and ask that you put them in the comment section after each review. There may be a short delay before it is posted.
If you wish to contact them for any other reason please email them at mblumenfield@aol.com
You may be interested in a new book that Dr. Michael Blumenfield has recently published titled SHRINKTALK. It is about his many years as a psychiatrist and includes his interaction with two U.S. Presidents. The book can be purchased on Amazon or on the book website Shrinktalkbook.com