Tag: salmon

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

April 30th, 2012 — 6:24am


Salmon Fishing in the Yemen- rm   Simon Beaufoy, who won an Academy Award for best adapted screen play for Slumdog Millionaire, this time adapts a screen play of a fanciful novel by Paul Torday. Director Lass Hallstrom crafts this almost fairy tale story with many levels and it comes across with an authentic ring. Of course it doesn’t hurt that you have some outstanding actors who do a great job. Dr. Albert Jones (Ewan McGregor) is a British government fishing expert who is approached by Harriet Chetwode-Talbot (Emily Blunt), a financial consultant who is acting on behalf of Sheikh Muhammad (Amr Waked, an excellent Egyptian actor) who is willing to spend at least 50 million dollars to redo the desert country of Yemen to introduce his favorite sport  salmon fishing there. It is suggested at one point that the fishing expert might have “a touch Asbergers” since he can’t seem to help but tell the truth and he has little sense of humor. He is very likeable and there is chemistry between him and Harriet who is initially all business but vulnerable when the short term love of her life seems out of the picture. The British government officials who spur on this outlandish project, add humor to the story but everything always seems possible. We cared about all the characters and somehow never believed that the Shiekh was just a self-indulgent playboy. In the end we are reminded of what it means to have vision, to believe in your ideas as well as the joy in discovering romance in a special relationship. That makes this movie, in our opinion, a successful romantic comedy. (2012)

Comment » | 4 Stars, Comedy, Drama, Romance

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