Tag: 2000-08

Waltz with Bashir

January 17th, 2010 — 2:05am

Waltz with Bashir* * *
Waltz with Bashir
– nf – We had never seen an animated documentary before but that is the essence of this movie. It won many film festival awards as well as a Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film and an Academy Award nomination in this category. Israeli Director Ari Folman set out to fill in the gaps in his memory concerning his experience in the Israeli army during the first war in Lebanon in the 1980s. He does this by interviewing soldiers who served with him at that time, some of whom he hasn’t seen in more than twenty years, plus others who went through this experience, whom he recruits by newspaper advertisements. In most cases he uses their recorded voices in the film but his team has a done a brilliant job developing techniques for depicting the story in cartoon animation which is based mostly on scenes recreated in a studio. The result is a realistic dramatic account of what was a very traumatic experience as this 19-year-old man went through the war and witnessed frightening horrible things. This presumably is why he has these memory gaps and why some of the narrators up until now have had difficulty in saying what they had seen. The key event is the massacre at Sabria and Shatila where the Christian Phalangists murdered Palestinian and Lebanese civilians. This group was a Lebanese political faction allied with the Israeli army who are shown stationed on the periphery of this area but voicing objections once they realized what was happening. The more you understand the history and the politics of this time the better you can appreciate the movie. However, the anti war theme is loud and clear and is punctuated by the massacre scene transitioning into actual newsreel footage of the aftermath of this horrific event. (2008)

Comment » | 3 Stars, Documentary, War

Dear Frankie

January 16th, 2010 — 2:58am

Dear Frankie* * *
Dear Frankie
– nf – This is one of those British films that takes about five minutes for us to get used to the accents and understand what they are saying. Although, it turns out that Frankie one of the main characters in the movie, a charming 9 or 10-year-old boy doesn’t say any words as he is deaf. We learn that this was the result of his father beating him as a small child. Mother and child along with grandmother have kept on the move in Scotland so father will never find them. Mother played by Emily Mortimer has a touching, loving, very close relationship with Frankie and has created a story for him that his father is away at sea. She secretly writes letters to him and intercepts her son’s outgoing mail so she really is also hearing his “voice” about his feeling and observations of life. Frankie although very bright in school is chided by his schoolmates. When the boat on which the father is supposed to be sailing is noted to be coming into port, the mother, who is quite lonely herself decides that she needs to present a man as Frankie’s father for him to briefly meet. She arranges for a stranger, sensitively played by Gerald Butler, to be the father for one day before he goes off to sea again. Needless to say, intertwined with lovely scenes of “father and son” and sometimes mother, especially at the stark but beautiful Scottish seaside, there are some complications. First time director Shona Auerbach has cast her characters very well and captured the emotional relationships between them. The story is somewhat drawn out and simplistic but the acting was excellent. (2004)

Comment » | 3 Stars, Drama, Foreign, Romance

Stolen Summer

January 16th, 2010 — 2:36am

Stolen Summer* * *
Stolen Summer
– nf – This is a lovely movie set in 1976 in Chicago. Pete, an eight year old boy from a large Catholic family begins to worry that maybe his teacher the nun, may be right and that he is destined for hell because of misbehaving. He then decides to embark upon a quest to set things right by converting a Jew so both the Jew and himself might make it to heaven. He befriends Danny, the son of a rabbi, who unfortunately turns out to have leukemia. Pete’s father, the fireman, doesn’t like his son hanging around the synagogue and the rabbi isn’t totally pleased with his son crossing himself at dinner. Although there is a touch of humor in this film it can best be described as one that is will touch you and warm your heart. Pete Jones, the writer and director was actually the star of HBO’s Project Greenlight in 2001, which was a reality TV show about the making of this movie. No matter what the documentary showed, it ended up as a sweet, well done film. Adi Stein as Pete appears to be right out of a Norman Rockwell painting freckles and all. He and the other child actors were excellent, so kudos to them and the director. Brian Dennehy had a small role as the Catholic Priest but he is always outstanding in any character that he takes on. We are glad that we saw this film (2002)

Comment » | 3 Stars, Drama

The Secret Life of Bees

January 16th, 2010 — 2:27am

The Secret Life of Bees* * * * *
The Secret Life of Bees
– nf – One of us read the book and the other didn’t but we both were transfixed by the by this view of the racial tensions in the south in the 1960s. The movie follows the journey 14-year-old Lilly (Dakota Fanning) as she escapes her abusive father and seeks to find out if the mother that she lost at age 4 through tragic circumstances that involved her own hand, had loved her or totally rejected her. She is joined in her quest by her black friend and caregiver Rosaleen (Jennifer Hudson). They are drawn to the home of August Boatwright (Queen Latifah) and her two sisters (Alicia Keys and Sophie Okonedo) which turns our to have a special connection for her. Boatwright is the wise sage of the story who also understands bees and is the maker of honey (the real bee stuff and the sweetness of this character). Despite the recent civil rights act, the hatred and bigotry and its toll are illustrated in this film in very human terms. The best selling novel by Sue Monk Kidd and the screenplay by Gina Prince-Blythwood provided ample opportunity for full expressions of feelings and powerful interactions between the characters under the direction of Ms. Prince-Blythwood. Although there was only a hint of song in the film, Jennifer Hudson and Queen Latifah showed that they are perhaps just as talented as actors as they are singers. Alicia Keys known for her singing also did a great acting job. Sophie Okonedo was outstanding in a difficult role where she had played the disturbed sister who radiated warmth and love but struggled with an incurable emotional pain. Young Dakota Fanning was brilliant as the young girl searching for the truth and the interactions with Paul Bettany who played her father were electrifying. If you haven’t seen this film, it belongs on your Netflix list. (2008)

Comment » | 5 Stars, Drama

The Lives of Others

January 16th, 2010 — 1:58am

The Lives of Others* * * * *
The Lives of Others
– nf – When this movie was first showing in local theaters we both recall thinking that despite good reviews , it was probably going to be a very dreary film about listening in to people’s conversations, so we skipped it. We now see how wrong we were, as we were very riveted to this sensitive historical drama set in East Germany during the mid 1980s. It is the story of the surveillance by the secret police of a successful playwright and his actress girlfriend. There is an opportunity to see conflict, change and growth in the main characters, particularly in that of the most committed officer who is secretly spying on this couple for the government and comes to understand them. The movie reflects the oppression that so many people endured during this time, as well as exposing some of the hypocritical motives of the people who persecuted them. It is suspenseful yet evokes emotion and has a subtle and near perfect ending. The actors are excellent veteran German actors and the playwright and Director is East German Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck who made his debut feature film with this movie which won a well-deserved Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. The Netflix DVD has a not to be missed interview with this relatively young director which highlights the research and great thoughtfulness which went into the script, casting, music and production of this outstanding, authentic movie. The movie is in German with subtitles. (2007)

Comment » | 5 Stars, Drama, Foreign

In the Valley of Elah

November 7th, 2009 — 8:48am

* * * *
In the Valley of Elah
– nf – This is a story based on an incident, which actually happened during the current Iraq war. It follows the story of the grieving father played extremely well by Tommy Lee Jones as he seeks to find out what really happened to his soldier son. You might say this is an excellent detective story but it is also an expose of the morality of the war and the psychological damage that it has inflicted on so many soldiers. There were wonderful supporting roles by Charliez Theron and Susan Sarandon. Several of the young actors who played soldiers were actually combat veterans, which added to the depicted realism. 2007

Comment » | 4 Stars, Drama, Thriller, War

Captain Abu Raed

November 7th, 2009 — 2:17am

* * * * *
Captain Abu Raed
– sp – This is one of few films made for export from Jordon. It is non-political. It is a beautiful film that shows life in rural Jordon but what makes this film so worthwhile is the sensitivity and depth in which it shows the ability of human beings to care for others. It also shows some important universal conflicts. The young children in the movie are important players and the actors were found by holding auditions in various orphanages. The movie has won numerous awards in movie festivals and the lead male Jordanian older actor should be a candidate for many awards. (Subtitles but you forget that they are there) 2007

Comment » | 5 Stars, Drama, Foreign


November 7th, 2009 — 1:44am

* * *
– np – Poppy (played by Sally Hawkins for which she won a Golden Globe) is a thirty year old impish London schoolteacher who has a great sense of humor and is always making jokes which will make you smile. She has some close girl friends and even meets a nice guy. But her sensitive side shows through when she sees kids in trouble and also in her relationship with her once a week driving instructor who is somewhat unbalanced. This is a slice of life piece of a very likeable character. Kudos to the acting and to Michael Leigh the director for a good character study. We could have used subtitles for the first ten minutes until we were use to the British accent. We weren’t sure the film was worth an hour and 58 minutes. 2008

Comment » | 3 Stars, Comedy, Drama

Gran Torino

November 7th, 2009 — 1:25am

* * * * *
Gran Torino
– rm – Clint Eastwood directs and stars as the crusty widower who is the last relic of a changing neighborhood. Not surprisingly, the character is perfectly played and created a full range of emotional experiences in your reviewers. While the story is somewhat predictable it holds your full attention. We almost didn’t choose to see this movie but are very glad that we did and will not forget it. 2008

Comment » | 5 Stars, Drama

Garden State

November 7th, 2009 — 1:18am

* * *
Garden State
– nf – Kind of a slacker movie, “days in the life…” of some offbeat, but affecting young people having trouble growing up. 2004

Comment » | 3 Stars, Comedy, Drama, Romance

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